Get a Job! Model for Discount Dance Supply

Rachelle Di Stasio ABT Luis Pons

Rachelle Di Stasio, ABT, Credit: Luis Pons Photography

How about glossing the pages of the most popular dancewear site and catalog in the new year? Discount Dance is looking for camera-ready experienced or professional dancers for the new fall line and the costume collection in sizes Small Child through Small Adult. Apply online with three photos and your basic info to be considered.

Models for DDS have included many professional dancers and countless student talents. Photos appear online, in print and in digital form on the app version of the catalog as well. You couldn’t ask for a more thorough variety of exposure. Now go take some pics and apply – take a chance on yourself!

Holiday Wishes & Some News

SnowMerry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to you all! Sad news however, I won’t be able to publish a 2016 summer intensives list this year. This decision has been weighing on me heavily, but there are a number of reasons that it no longer makes sense to continue this annual project. I know that many of you rely on this and will be very disappointed. If it becomes more feasible to reboot the series in the future, I will definitely do so.

Thank you to all my readers for being part of the BalletScoop community! Merde to all for upcoming auditions and Nutcrackers!

Ballet in Film: Bolshoi Babylon

Bolshoi_Babylon“Where the real drama happens offstage,” claims the trailer for Bolshoi Babylon, an understated but high-drama documentary about the present-day scandal and politics of the Bolshoi Ballet.

Indeed, while considered the foremost ballet company in the world by many, the Bolshoi’s dysfunctions were publicly and violently exposed by a shocking physical attack on its Artistic Director in its very recent past. In the film, backstage intrigues and the distressed commentary of dancers reflecting on those events are buttressed by flawless, glittering performances by those same artists. It seems that the height of all that is best about ballet and art intersects sometimes with its extreme opposite, and Bolshoi Babylon capitalizes on this with a stylistic presentation of the story as a fascinating metaphor for that dichotomy.

Bolshoi Babylon is premieres this Monday, December 21, 2015, on HBO exclusively. for Performers

summerglauAnother great resource for you lucky Australian dancers out there, and a great blog to add to your list where ever you are, is a online dancewear and costume retailer and blog that covers a variety of aspects of dance life, including great stage makeup and who in the acting world has also studied ballet.

Blisster tends to have more children’s styles than most other dance retailers. (So parents out there it’s a great place to look for cute options for your tween and younger dancers.) They also offer a free sizing service to all customers, which is rather unique, and an industry program for schools. Get $10 off your first $60+ order when you sign up for emails, and go beef up that holiday wishlist with styles that will make you feel like you’ve stepped out of a music box.

UPDATE: I typo’d that url link yesterday! So if you tried it and it was broken, that’s on me. Apologies and click through today to check it out!